Strategic Marketing Plans

We define your unique market opportunities, help you develop products services and visitor experiences that create sustainable, profitable growth for your organisation.

We challenge the belief that innovation and market disruption is risky and have refined the method, built the model, and brought together the minds to help our clients’ businesses succeed.

Most strategic marketing plans are built around the capabilities of organisations and things that management can control. For example, product, costs, personnel, and promotion.  Managers spend a considerable amount of time and effort preparing a comprehensive plans for how the company should invest in existing and new products and services in order to achieve targets, generally an increased market share or gaining entry into a new market segment.

Often when the word “strategy” is used, it is paired with the word “plan,” as in “strategic planning” or the resulting “strategic plan.” Moving from strategy to planning occurs because planning is a thoroughly known and comfortable exercise.

For example, creating strategies around costs is comfortable because they can be planned with relative precision. We know that businesses are damaged when costs are not under control. But when a marketing strategy does not produce expected outcomes, we become distressed, having spent so much time on planning.

The reason that totally different outcomes can occur from the same diligence to planning for cost management and marketing is that for costs, the business is in control and for marketing, the customers are in charge. They can decide whether to give us or our competitors their business.

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Therefore, it is important that strategy remains somewhat separate from planning and the differences are recognised by decision-makers.

it is important to distinguish between deliberate strategy, which is intentional and emergent strategy, which is a necessary reaction to unanticipated events.

A marketing plan is really a planning process and not a plan. We live in world of constant change and market disruption. To survive and prosper in a dynamic environment we cannot afford to have static marketing plans. A marketing plan will set goals, create actionable strategies, track performance and report it in quantifiable units over time. The shorter the duration of the marketing plan, the more accurate it is likely to be. All plans need to be reviewed regularly and revised as necessary.

In today's volatile business environment, strategic plans that project more than three to five years forward, are really just strategic guesses.

Strategic Consultants help businesses to establish frameworks for marketing plans that concert to actions and positive results and set up processes for management to involve all key personnel in continuous review of marketing strategies.

The key to developing successful marketing strategies include:

  • Keeping it simple;
  • Focussing on customers;
  • Not aiming for perfection; and
  • Being explicit in developing actions.


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