Brighthouse mentioned in 34.4 million caravan and camping action plan

Tourism WA Tourism WA commissioned Brighthouse to assess the needs of the caravan and camping sector. Findings in the Brighthouse report, A Strategic Approach to Caravanning and Camping Tourism in WA 2012 guided the development of the WA Caravan and Camping Action Plan."

Lake Argyle northern capital idea more than blue sky

Lake Argyle northern capital idea more than blue sky

Grand vision for northern capital city at Lake Arglye puts Kununurra in the frame as a regional centre for Australia' population dispersal. The concept focusses on the region's proximity to Asia, agricultural lands, climate and unlimited water supply.

Miners may need to look for alternatives to mine camps

Miners may need to look for alternatives to mine camps

Mining accommodation providers may have to look at alternatives to "donga" style worker's camps in the future as planning decisions impact approvals.

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